Welcome to the Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. reporting page presented by SilverTrac Software. With this newly developed Green Friendly software, Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. personnel in the field can receive and respond to security issues using an Android phone, Android tablet or iPhone.
With the installed Silvertrac application installed on an Android, iPhone or Android tablet, security, parking and maintenance personnel can report with the exact detail from the field.
All reported issues are time-stamped and assigned an automated tracking number. The Android phone, Android tablet or iPhone allows Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. personnel to create time-stamped photographs and record audio files that are automatically attached to the reported issue in real-time.
Clients of Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. with approved access will have the ability to view and monitor all created issues with photos, notes, and audio files created by Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. personnel within minutes of creation.
All this information is received and tracked through the SilverTrac “Issue Monitor”. All clients of Kern Patrol and Investigative Services, Inc. now have the capability to view the Issue Monitor from anywhere in the world with Internet access 24 hours a day.
There will never be a question as to whether the guard was on your site at the designated time or what duties were completed! |